Oregon coast 2009, one last outing. Anthony, Travis, John and I decided to get one last night in the wilderness after we parted ways with Orrin and Jerry in Portland just hours before. The coast was the destination and skating was a must. We started our adventure at the Bay City skatepark. It was a back and forth park with a gigantic pyramid, and a bunch of little things to dick around on. Travis murdered as usual and made friends with the local tweaker bum in the process. He followed us to the parking lot where he prayed for Anthony's car, begged for some food and money, and we drove off leaving him hungry and penniless. We suck. However we don't suck at surviving. A short drive to Garibaldi to find a camping spot and its time to eat. With few ways to cook our "hobo dinners," we chose to dice everything and cook each meal separately in Ham's tall boy beer cans. Best way to prepare a meal even if you aren't a bum. Absolutely delightful. To end the night a few more cocktails and some light up frisbee on the beach was a must considering Anthony had a new disco frisbee. An excellent replacement to just the average looking blue frisbee he had prior to John wrecking it by throwing it in the water totally on purpose... thanks to REI, everything is guaranteed for life.
Best night photo of the trip. Too much beer + mad skills = this photo

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